Thursday, June 21, 2012


Food tastes so good! I want to go on a diet a little bit though haha. It's so hard to go on a diet in America..
I mean like come on...seriously? At restaurants, salads are freaking... $5 more than an average cheese burger meal! >.> That pisses me of so much lol.

And when you decide to eat meat just a tad bit, like at Mcdonalds or something. I would usually say "Okay...I'll just eat ONE burger and THAT IS IT"
but then after that ONE burger...I buy more...I BUY BIGGER :(
I guess that's why they're called "Fast-Foods"

Friday, March 23, 2012


Wow I barely post on here anymore! Haha, I honestly feel that this is the most inactive blogs ever created!
Well just a little update!
-Exams are done! Now I can get back to video making!
-Computer crashed (how convenient) so I had to get it fixed!
UGH! Why must so much stress be put upon me!!!!!